@saltshrike is the work of one real human being known as yiyi "avery" ding (among other things) who is digital illustrator & designer (among other things)

my artwork here is inspired by the beauty of clutter, the collision of art and narrative, instinctual pattern recognition, old I Spy books, literary devices, superhero comics from the 80s, collages of pngs, the frankenstein-esque passion to play god, overwhelming visual stimuli, complementary colors, vintage stamp designs, archaic web aesthetics & the desire to make art that says something, whether expected to or not.

that being said, style is a flexible thing, and I respond well to requests and aim to be versatile + competent no matter what specifics are asked for. basically, if you want to comission and/or hire me for professional work, feel free to reach out for a more official resume and a portfolio specific to the role.

other things I do:

collaborative game development @ dynamite for dessert!

solo games + zines

interactive fiction

based in dallas. currently pursuing a BA in arts, technology, and emerging communications from the university of texas at dallas + minor in CS. employed as assitant art director of AMP magazine & a graphic artist at The Mercury.

contact me w/ art inquiries. if you'd like. no pressure :]

email linkedin discord and also other places